


By using the left menu (listing the categories) or at the top (special category), you can browse through our online catalog of products. You can also use our search function.


For each category are displayed corresponding products. To order the desired product click "Order". Repeat for each desired product. Each product ordered and quantity (the default one) will be completed in the basket of goods.

Your Shopping Cart

Your Shopping Cart contains all products ordered by you (even if you are registered or not). By clicking the link "Edit", you will be taken to the page "Your Shopping Cart" where you can change quantities of ordered products, delete cart items ordered or empty by pressing the link "Empty cart".


After you order all the products you want, click the link "Checkout" from the shopping cart products. If you do not have an account, click on "Create New Account".

Create new account

A new account is created by pressing the link "Create new account". To create a new account requires completing a user name, password and an email address. This email address will be used for account activation and all communications with online store. After you have created an account, you receive an email that will contain the link to activate your membership. As soon as you activate your account, you will receive an email where you will be informed about the successful activation of the account and the terms of the order and use of the site CHRONO12.


After activating your account you will be able to login to your account using the username and password used to create your account. If you forgot your password, you can use the form "Forgot Password" where, based on the email provided by you, you will receive a new password. This password can be changed immediately after logging into the system in page "Account Details".


After logging into the system, you can complete an order the products in your shopping cart. By clicking the link "Checkout" you will be taken to the page where you select the method of delivery of the order and the delivery address. If you have not filled in the "Account Details" at least a delivery address, you will be notified and you will be taken to the page "Account Details". You can not complete a new order if you have completed at least one delivery address.


In the page "My Orders" you will have listed all orders made by you on the site CHRONO12. Immediately after completion of a new order, it will have status "unconfirmed". This status allows you to delete / change this. Immediately after confirming the order, the status will change to "confirmed". After changing status (confirmation), you will not be able to delete / modify that order. Order status will be changed to "Delivered" by physical delivery of the order.